Equality and equity are two different things. The difference from equality to equity is, giving everyone the same treatment despite what they actually require, and it works vice versa with the definition of equity.
Last Friday, Akomanga Kaihanga went on a journey in small groups to find places, and art pieces that represent culture identity or culture practices. This trip was really interesting, because one of the locations my group visited was the catholic cemetery. During our visit at the cemetery, we learned that catholic people believe they should keep the bodies of people who have passed away close. Because they think that they can be resurrected…
Another place we visited was an old Maori house on Fenchurch. This house that we visited was a very important house to the residents, because that house has been through generations.
In contrast to the previous locations, there were a few places that we visited that didn’t show culture identity, or culture practices. Like an empty street that had Zero representation of culture, it was really sad because I know that there are pacific islanders that stayed on those streets.
But anyways, I believe that there are multiple ways to help the community embrace their culture, such as. Painting pictures, or taking photos of people in their culture clothing. Or the most simplest idea… Hanging up flags.